US sets new global record with COVID-19 deaths in 24 hours!!

The US on Friday set a new record for the number of COVID-19 deaths in one day with 1,480 dead, the most of any country since the pandemic began. That topped the record set by the US the previous day with 1,169 deaths.
More than 57,000 people have died from COVID-19, and over one million infected, since it was first detected late last year.
Worse may be coming as a quarter of global infections are in the United States, where US President Donald Trump has warned of a “very, very painful” first two weeks of April. The US has over 277,000 confirmed case, more than any country.
Europe reached the dark milestone of 40,000 dead, with Spain on Friday reporting more than 900 deaths in the past 24 hours.
Spaniard Javier Lara survived after being put on oxygen in an overcrowded intensive care unit — a shock to a 29-year-old who was athletic and doesn’t smoke.
“I was panicking that my daughter would get infected,” he said, describing facing death with an eight-week-old as the “worst moment” in his life.

But there were also signs the peak may be passing in Europe.
Hardest-hit Italy recorded 766 new deaths but its infections rose by just four percent, the lowest increase yet, according to the civil protection service.
“It’s true that the latest figures, as high as they are, give us a little bit of hope,” said Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany.
“But it is definitely much too early to see a clear trend in that, and it is certainly too early to think in any way about relaxing the strict rules we have given ourselves,” she added.
Prosperous countries have borne the brunt of the disease, but there are fears of an explosion among the world’s most vulnerable living in conflict zones or refugee camps.
“The worst is yet to come,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, referring to countries such as Syria, Libya and Yemen. “The COVID-19 storm is now coming to all these theaters of conflict.”
The world economy has been pummeled by the virus and associated lockdowns, with the US economy shedding 701,000 jobs in March — its worst showing since March 2009 in the wake of the subprime banking crisis. Even more dire figures are expected for April.

Financial ratings agency Fitch predicted the US and eurozone economies would shrink this quarter by up to 30 percent and the Asian Development Bank warned the global economy could take a $4.1 trillion hit — equivalent to five percent of worldwide output.
Latin America is heading into a “deep recession” with an expected drop of 1.8 to 4% in GDP, according to the UN economic commission for the region.
In signs that the world wants to avoid a repeat of the crisis, the African country of Gabon said it was banning the sale and consumption of bats and pangolins, the critically endangered, scaly mammals.
The novel coronavirus is believed to have come from bats, but researchers think it might have spread to humans via another mammal such as pangolins through an unsanitary meat market in Wuhan, the Chinese city where the virus first emerged.
The virus has chiefly killed the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions, but recent deaths among teenagers and babies have highlighted the dangers for people of all ages.
In Spain, 34-year-old Vanesa Muro gave birth with COVID-19 and has been warned not to touch her newborn without wearing gloves and masks.
“It’s hard,” she told AFP. “He grabs your finger, the poor little thing, and holds onto the plastic, not on to you.”
As the death toll mounted, US authorities advised all Americans on Friday to wear masks in public to protect against the virus, fearing the illness that has infected more than one million people worldwide may be spreading by normal breathing.

Trump said the government recommendation for all 330 million Americans to wear non-medical masks in places such as grocery stores would last “for a period of time.”
“It’s going to be really a voluntary thing,” Trump told reporters. “You don’t have to do it and I’m choosing not to do it, but some people may want to do it and that’s okay.”
US Surgeon General Jerome Adams said the decision came because many people with the virus were showing no symptoms, but warned it was still vital to practice “social distancing” by maintaining space between people.
The announcement came after Anthony Fauci, who is leading the government’s scientific response, backed recent scholarship that found the virus SARS-CoV-2 can be suspended in the ultra-fine mist formed when people exhale.
Research indicates “the virus can actually be spread even when people just speak as opposed to coughing and sneezing,” Fauci said on Fox News.

The National Academy of Sciences sent a letter to the White House on April 1 summarizing recent research on the subject, saying it’s not yet conclusive but “the results… are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing.”
Since the virus was first identified in China in late December last year, health experts have said it is primarily spread through coughing and sneezing.
The US recommendation will likely worsen an already severe shortage of masks in the United States and Europe, which both rely heavily on imports from China.
Trump urged Americans to “just make something” or use scarves, saving clinical masks for health professionals and patients..
